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Rainer Christine

Rainer Christine

Rainer Christine


Partner (Health Fund I & Health Ops Fund I)



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Rainer joined Earlybird Health as an Investment Partner in 2013 for the inaugural Health Fund I. He is an experienced entrepreneur who previously served as the CEO of amaxa AG, the very first portfolio company funded by Earlybird in 1997. Rainer holds an M.Sc. in biology from the University of Cologne.

Great founders…

put the company first. Always. They don’t let their egos get in the way of success. And in our space success also means making the world a slightly better place. What a privilege. I

Great founders…

put the company first. Always. They don’t let their egos get in the way of success. And in our space success also means making the world a slightly better place. What a privilege. I

Great founders…

put the company first. Always. They don’t let their egos get in the way of success. And in our space success also means making the world a slightly better place. What a privilege. I

I’ve been through the ups and downs…

of building a start-up company from scratch, surfing the waves you encounter before you can make a real difference in the market.

I’ve been through the ups and downs…

of building a start-up company from scratch, surfing the waves you encounter before you can make a real difference in the market.

I’ve been through the ups and downs…

of building a start-up company from scratch, surfing the waves you encounter before you can make a real difference in the market.