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Franziska Gabler

Franziska Gabler

Franziska Gabler


Executive Assistant



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Franziska joined Earlybird Health as an Executive Assistant in 2024. She has a background in Special Education and holds a Bachelor's Degree from Southern Connecticut State University. Upon returning to Germany after almost a decade spent at the East Coast of the United States, Franziska gained extensive experience as an assistant and project manager in various industries such as fashion, facility management, taxes and the healthcare sector.

I strongly believe in...

Karma - do good, be good and good will come to you.

I strongly believe in...

Karma - do good, be good and good will come to you.

I strongly believe in...

Karma - do good, be good and good will come to you.

My most challenging adventure was...

Moving to a different continent all by myself at age 20 and realizing almost a decade later that it's okay to want to return home.

My most challenging adventure was...

Moving to a different continent all by myself at age 20 and realizing almost a decade later that it's okay to want to return home.

My most challenging adventure was...

Moving to a different continent all by myself at age 20 and realizing almost a decade later that it's okay to want to return home.