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Alexander Müller

Alexander Müller

Alexander Müller


Operating Partner



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Alexander joined Earlybird Health as a Partner in 2013. He is an experienced executive with both operational and financial expertise. Prior to Earlybird, Alexander served as Managing Director and CFO of amaxa AG, the very first portfolio company funded by Earlybird in 1997. Before that, he worked at Deutsche Bank. Alexander holds a University Diploma in Economics.

I am fascinated by…

the pace at which ideas become reality, become standard and then are replaced by the next evolutionary or disruptive inventions.

I am fascinated by…

the pace at which ideas become reality, become standard and then are replaced by the next evolutionary or disruptive inventions.

I am fascinated by…

the pace at which ideas become reality, become standard and then are replaced by the next evolutionary or disruptive inventions.

I’ve been through the ups and downs…

of founding a company. Raising capital. Growing the company. Releasing employees because of low liquidity. Selling a company successfully. Sometimes failure and success are very close neighbors.

I’ve been through the ups and downs…

of founding a company. Raising capital. Growing the company. Releasing employees because of low liquidity. Selling a company successfully. Sometimes failure and success are very close neighbors.

I’ve been through the ups and downs…

of founding a company. Raising capital. Growing the company. Releasing employees because of low liquidity. Selling a company successfully. Sometimes failure and success are very close neighbors.